Sunday, January 25, 2009

I went to Macao and all I got was this lousy coliseum.

Macao is an awesome and strange city that you have to show your passport to go to. You can walk across the border, and it is separated from Zhuhai by a giant underground market. Macao is strangely European-looking with plazas and street signs you can sort of read if you took any other Romance language. It has lots of casinos, which I haven't been to, and lots of delicious restaurants, which I have been to. Macao is also spelled Macau, but I like Macao better because both Chinese and Portuguese have the crazy -ao sound. I like to imagine the Portuguese came to China and said "hey you guys we have this crazy sound it is a and o TOGETHER!" and the Chinese were like "dudes, we invented it, ni hao already."

Here are some pictures from two different trips to Macao. The last time I went was in December so there are lots of Christmas decorations.

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